A Deeper Look into the Ponytail Lift
We aim to provide an understanding of the Ponytail Lift, exploring its benefits, drawbacks, and the ideal candidates for this treatment. Essentially, the Ponytail Lift is a surgical technique that involves brow rotation and reshaping, mimicking the effect of a high and tight ponytail. The procedure addresses the forehead, brow, and face through discreet incisions concealed behind the hairline, utilising an endoscope. This approach is frequently combined with micro fat grafting to enhance facial contouring.
However, it’s important to note that this procedure focuses on the upper two thirds of the face, while effective, it will not address sagging and excess skin of the lower face. For these cases, an extended option of a Facelift is recommended, which includes the lower face via incisions in front or behind the ear. Alternatively, the deep plane facelift technique can also be considered.
Is the Ponytail Lift for You?
The Ponytail Lift targets the upper two-thirds of the face, enhancing the eyes and elevating the brows. This procedure is suitable for patients in their thirties and forties who are experiencing early signs of aging, such as minor skin laxity. If you’re looking to change your appearance, the Ponytail Lift can be an excellent choice, particularly for lifting the brow, upper eyelids, and cheeks. However, it’s important to note that this procedure does not fully address and augment the underlying ligaments and facial muscles.
Difference Between Traditional and Minimal Incision Facelifts
With age, the skin’s repair system slows down and our facial structures start to change. This can result in loose skin, neckline, drooping eyebrows, and eyelids. Facelifts are designed to counteract these effects, and they typically fall into two categories: extended facelifts and minimal incision facelifts, each with its benefits and drawbacks.
Short-scar facelifts and ponytail lifts fall under minimal incision facelifts and are ideal for treating specific parts of the face or only small amounts of excess skin. Full facelifts, including Deep Plane and SMAS Platysma facelifts, address the deep underlying tissues of the face and neck, providing more comprehensive results.
Understanding the Ponytail Lift Procedure
The Ponytail Lift is performed under general anaesthesia and can take anywhere from 3-6 hours, depending on how many areas of the face are treated. The procedure involves using an endoscope fitted with a tiny camera and bright light, inserted through the incisions to allow your surgeon to view the internal structures of the face on a screen.
In the Ponytail Lift process, the manner of suturing is a critical factor that distinguishes it from other techniques. These sutures are strategically placed to create an upward lift, mirroring the effect of a high and carefully styled ponytail. The result is a subtle elevation and rotation of the facial features. This suturing technique, combined with the strategic placement of incisions, allows for less visible scarring and a faster recovery period.
Benefits and Drawbacks of the Ponytail Lift
The Ponytail Lift offers a range of benefits, including a rejuvenated appearance, shorter recovery times, and less conspicuous surgical incisions as compared to traditional facelifts. However, it is important to note that the procedure may not be suitable for clients with more advanced loss of skin elasticity and volume.
Recovery from Surgery
Recovery varies between clients, depending on their health condition before the procedure. Most clients don’t experience significant or prolonged pain during recovery, and initial healing takes about 10-14 days before you can return to work. The full effects of your procedure should be visible 4 to 6 months after surgery.
Book a Consultation
Interested in finding out more about facelifts? At Unveil Plastic Surgery, we offer a range of cosmetic procedures and treatments, tailored to the unique needs of each client. Contact us at (03) 9000 3800 for an initial consultation with Dr Teixeira.