Facelift Melbourne

A meloplasty (facelift) procedure aims to combat signs of ageing such as tissue sagging and skin redundancy, by employing established surgical techniques, while minimising any noticeable signs of surgery.

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira - Plastic Surgeon

Facelift (Meloplasty)

Each person’s face is a unique canvas that tells a story beyond just appearance. The lines and contours of our faces bear witness to the experiences that have shaped us, and true beauty is not limited by facial features. Every individual should feel confident and at ease in their own skin, regardless of any signs of aging.

During facelift surgery, the surgeon will make incisions carefully placed around the hairline and ears to access the underlying facial muscles and tissues. By lifting and tightening them, wrinkles can be smoothed out, excess skin can be removed, and facial contour can be redefined. Several variations of facelift are available, including mini facelift, short-scar facelift, SMAS lift, and deep plane facelift.

At Unveil Plastic Surgery, we understand that each patient is different, and we tailor treatments to individual needs to achieve optimal results. Dr. Rodrigo is a skilled plastic surgeon experienced in facelift surgery based in Melbourne, Australia. He will work closely with you to tailor a treatment plan that suits your requirements, and with a focus on safety and long-lasting results.

We believe that everyone should make an informed decision when considering facial surgery. Our team is always available to provide necessary information and expert advice to ensure that you feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the process.

Facial Ageing

Facial Ageing Process

The complex process of facial ageing is impacted by several factors that affect the skin, soft tissues, and overall appearance. The three critical components of facial ageing are skin ageing, skin and soft tissue sagging, and volume loss.

Skin Ageing:
Skin ageing is the first aspect and is a natural process that involves thinning, loss of elasticity, pigmentation irregularities, and increased vascularity. Genetics, sun damage, smoking, lifestyle choices, medical conditions, medications, and weight loss can all contribute to the accelerated ageing of our skin, causing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and uneven skin tone.

Skin and Soft Tissue Sagging:
A major feature of the aging process that affects our appearance is the drooping of skin and soft tissue. Over time, the underlying structures that support our skin weaken, causing it to lose its firmness and elasticity. This can result in areas of skin sagging and becoming redundant, which in turn can change the shape of our face. The most commonly affected areas include the cheeks, neck, and jowls, which may appear less defined and less taut. This is due to a combination of factors, such as the effects of gravity, and the loss of collagen and elastin, which are key components of healthy skin.

Volume Loss:
The third component of facial ageing is volume loss. As time passes, our facial bones and fat deposits begin to diminish, leading to a loss of support and a deflated appearance. This can result in hollow areas around the eyes, cheeks and temples, as well as an unbalanced and aged look overall. In order to create effective anti-ageing treatments, it is essential to understand the significance of these three factors. Addressing skin ageing, sagging and volume loss through tailored cosmetic treatments, skincare routines and facial procedures can result in optimal outcomes. Both surgical and non-surgical options are available for those looking to address these concerns and improve their overall appearance.

Short-scar meloplasty (mini facelift)

The mini facelift focuses on minimising scarring by using smaller incisions. This procedure is ideal for individuals who have mild to moderate signs of ageing and want a subtle improvement in their appearance.

To reduce scarring, there are various options available, such as the MACS Lift and endoscopic upper and midface lifts, also known as ponytail lifts. While the MACS lift is suitable for patients with good skin quality and mild to moderate sagging, its results may not last as long as the deep plane technique.

On the other hand, the ponytail lift is a novel approach that can effectively address the upper and midface regions. However, performing treatments of the lower face and neck via endoscopic approach with limited incisions can prolong the surgery duration significantly.

SMAS Lift, Extended SMAS and High SMAS

Advanced meloplasty techniques such as SMAS Lift and Deep Plane Meloplasty involve dissection of the supportive tissue layer under the skin and fat layers on the face. This layer, known as SMAS, plays a critical role in facial ageing. By lifting and reshaping different facial tissue layers, these techniques offer a more long-lasting solution. Limited and extended SMAS and high SMAS techniques differ in their extent of dissection and how the tissue is tightened and secured. They help smooth the skin texture, reshape underlying tissues, and eliminate excess tissue.

Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane meloplasty (facelift) is a plastic surgery technique that targets the underlying tissue layers of the face, specifically the SMAS layer, to combat the visible signs of aging. There is plenty of medical evidence and facelift experts attesting to the deep plane facelift effectiveness in producing longer-lasting results, and that has been the experience with Dr Rodrigo Teixeira over the years.

One of the key advantages of the deep plane facelift is its ability to lift the deeper tissue layers of the face without pulling the skin too tight, minimising the signs of surgery. Furthermore, the deep plane technique allows for customisation of the direction of lift tailored to the individual needs and goals of each patient. For instance, a vertical facelift for the cheek lift, or a more oblique direction for more effective lower jowl lift.

Dr. Rodrigo Teixeira, a specialist plastic surgeon based in Melbourne, is a faculty member of the Mendelson Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC), where he teaches facial anatomy and deep plane facelift, while also learning and keeping himself up-to-date with the latest research and techniques in face lift surgery. This comprehensive course imparts a thorough understanding of facial anatomy, a crucial component for achieving safe and effective facial surgery.

Things To Consider Before A Meloplasty Facelift

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira patient education

Before deciding to undergo a meloplasty (facelift), it is important to carefully consider certain factors. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that a meloplasty (facelift) is a surgical procedure that carries some risks and potential complications. It is important to speak with your medical practitioner to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Additionally, it is important to understand that a meloplasty (facelift) can only work with the existing skin and soft tissues. The facial skeleton also ages in the form of bone loss, which means that there are limits to the potential outcome. In some cases, patients may need to consider other treatments to address the underlying changes in the facial skeleton.

Other factors to consider before undergoing a meoplasty facelift include your overall health, your expectations for the results of the procedure, and the recovery time and aftercare required. It is important to have realistic expectations and to understand that the results of a facelift may not be permanent.

Considering the cost of surgery is an important factor that should not be overlooked and it is essential to do your research on the costs associated with each procedure. It is equally important to prioritise high standards of care,  the surgeon’s reputation and experience, the use of accredited facilities, and the availability of aftercare services provided to you. You want to make sure that you are in good hands when undergoing such a major procedure, which requires a significant investment both financially and emotionally.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo facelift surgery should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a qualified medical practitioner. By taking the time to fully understand the procedure and its potential benefits and risks, you can make an informed decision about whether a meloplasty (facelift) is the right choice for you.

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira patient education
Dr Rodrigo Teixeira

Risks and Side Effects of
Facelift Surgery

Meloplasty (facelift) surgery is a safe procedure, but it is not without risks. Despite the highest standards of surgical practice, complications are possible. The decision to have meloplasty (facelift) surgery is a personal one, and you should weigh the benefits against the risks and potential complications.

Dr Rodrigo, a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, will explain the risks associated with surgery. Although most patients do not experience complications, you should discuss your concerns about possible side effects.

General side-effects of meloplasty (facelift) surgery include allergic reactions, severe swelling and bruising, bleeding, infection, and blood clots. Additionally, specific complications can occur, such as scarring, skin loss (necrosis), slow-healing wounds, pain, facial asymmetry, facial nerve weakness or palsy, numbness, and under or over-correction.

In some cases, unsatisfactory results may include asymmetry, unsatisfactory surgical scar location, and unacceptable visible deformities at the ends of the incisions. If this occurs, it may be necessary to perform an additional surgery to improve your results.

For more information on the risks and potential complications of meloplasty (facelift) surgery, please consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. Before proceeding with surgery, you should seek a second opinion from another appropriately qualified health practitioner. Recovery time and treatment results vary from patient to patient and depend on individual patient factors.

Facial Brazillian Lymphatic Drainage

Recovery Process after Facelift

Meloplasty (facelift) recovery is an essential part of the process. After undergoing surgery, patients will experience swelling and bruising, which are normal and temporary side-effects of any surgical procedure. Pain relief medication prescribed by your surgeon can help alleviate any discomfort. However, it is important to note that the results of a meloplasty (facelift) will not be immediately visible as it takes months for the final outcome to materialise.

During the first week after your surgery, it is important to avoid physically strenuous tasks or high-intensity training. You should also sleep with your head slightly elevated and follow all the aftercare instructions given by your surgeon. Although some bruising and swelling might still persist 10 days after your meloplasty (facelift), you can gradually resume normal activities. 

Post-operative care may include regular dressing changes, removal of stitches, and possibly lymphatic drainage massage to help reduce swelling and promote healing. Scar management techniques may also be recommended to minimise the appearance of scars, such as applying silicone gel.

It’s important to follow all post-operative instructions carefully and attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Facial Brazillian Lymphatic Drainage

Reputable Surgeons for Facelift Surgery

If you’re considering facelift surgery, finding the right surgeon is critical to ensuring the best possible outcome. Here are some tips for finding a qualified and experienced surgeon:

Research credentials: Look for a surgeon who is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and has extensive experience facelifts.

Schedule a consultation: Once you have identified potential surgeons, schedule a consultation to meet with them in person. This is an opportunity to discuss your goals and concerns and to get a sense of the surgeon’s approach to facelift. Dr Rodrigo offers personalised consultations to discuss each patient’s unique goals and expectations.

Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the surgeon’s experience, training, and approach to facial surgery. Your surgeon should be able to answer your questions to help you make an informed decision about your surgery.

Look for personalised care: A good surgeon will take the time to understand your unique needs and goals and will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan. Dr Rodrigo and his team are committed to providing personalised care and support to each patient, from the initial consultation through the recovery process.

By following these tips and working with a skilled and experienced specialist facial surgeon like Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, you can achieve the best possible results while ensuring a safe and successful surgical experience.

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