Most Common Problems After Eyelid Surgery


Once you’ve had blepharoplasty the aftercare routine that you follow must be very meticulous and stringent because the risk of developing complications is always present with every type of surgery.


These are some of the most common complications that can occur:


Significant Bruising
Although everyone’s reaction and recovery is different from patient to patient, bruising after blepharoplasty is common. Although bruising subsides overtime, some people can have more extensive and long lasting bruises, especially people that have increased dark pigmentation on the lower eyelids naturally. To reduce the risk of excessive bruising, avoid medication and supplements that thin the blood before surgery, such as aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, fish oil, green tea, vitamin E and some herbal products. You should also keep your head elevated and apply ice packs or cold compresses in the first few days.


Loose Skin
Even after getting eyelid surgery, the possibility of loose skin recurring is common. This could occur due to relaxation of the frontalis muscle. Its action is to raise the eyebrows and it is normally hyper active before surgery to help improve the vision by lifting some of the excess sagging skin. After surgery, the muscle relaxes as the vision as the skin excess is removed, the resultant eyebrow drop causes skin excess to reappear to a lesser degree. Also, advanced skin laxity due to ageing, or other tissues laxity can have an influence. In cases such as these, a minor touch up surgery can solve the problem.


Tiny Bumps
The formation of small bumps along the incision line appears more often than not. There are a number of reasons that could be the cause behind these lumps: lymphatic fluid retention and scar tissue that is healing, reaction to the suture material which leads to the formation of tissue around the incision, accumulation of fat, and the possibility of bacterial infection. Since all the reasons are different, please do not attempt to self-diagnose as this could lead to further complications. The best thing you can do is to discuss your concerns with your surgeon and their staff.


Sometimes although the surgery could be carried out to resolve eye bags, the result may not be perfectly symmetric. Minor asymmetries are not complications and should be considered acceptable outcomes as this could be because each eye might not respond in the exact manner leading to a discrepancy. If significant asymmetry is noticed then revision surgery could be carried out to improve it.


Misplacement of the lower eyelid
Sometimes the lower eyelid position is not ideal which could lead to one of the eyes appearing smaller than the other, leading to a lopsided appearance.


Inability to close eyes
One of the serious problems of this procedure is to lose the ability to close the eyes, this normally occurs when too much skin is removed. Unfortunately, this condition is often hard to rectify, therefore choosing a qualified surgeon is essential.


Pain and discomfort
This is the expected aftermath of any surgery, however, medication can help ease the intensity of the pain. Speak to your surgeon and he will prescribe something for you.

Injury to the cornea
Direct trauma to the cornea during surgery or corneal exposure after surgery, where too much skin has been removed, could lead to possible injury to the cornea. Your surgeon needs to be careful to avoid this complication.


Scarring, itchiness, or dryness
Scarring is a possibility that accompanies every surgery. The best way to avoid scarring is to have a thorough after-care routine which makes sure scar tissue is minimised.


Sunken Eyes
If too much fat is removed this can lead to the eyes looking sunken and surprised as opposed to looking youthful and fresh.


Changes in Vision
Altered or impaired vision may be present before surgery, but can also appear after surgery can be temporary or permanent. In the rarest of cases, the surgery could lead to permanent blindness.Treatment should only be carried out by a skilled and accredited surgeon.

Patient safety and satisfaction are taken very seriously by me and my team. We are committed to offering you excellent care throughout your treatment journey and helping you achieve the results you aim for. I hope that this blog has been useful and has given you more information about the factors associated with eyelid surgery. Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, and book an appointment.


About Dr Rodrigo Teixeira

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, MD, FRACS is a Plastic Surgeon in Melbourne, Australia. He is based at Unveil Plastic Surgery located at the heart of the East Ivanhoe Village.


Dr Teixeira is experienced in Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgery of the Face, Nose and Breast. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS). Internationally, he is a member of the American and the International Societies.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. To discuss your aesthetic goals including any reservations or concerns regarding your facial appearance, or any other cosmetic procedure, you should first have a consultation with your general practitioner. You will need a valid referral to see a specialist surgeon.  For further information you can contact  us on 03 9000 3800. 


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